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Part II Chinese Culture, Education, Science and Technology P. 17: 儒教、道教、佛教 Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, 四大发明 Four Great Inventions 非竞技体育运动(如太极拳、武术) non-competitive sports (such as tai chi and wushu) 竞技体育运动 competitive sports 近些年,中国的教育事业发生了翻天覆地的变化。如今,中国的教育能够满足全体人民的需要,尽管其年龄、背景或课程的选择各有不同。 Education in China has changed dramatically in recent years. It can now meet the needs of all people, regardless of age, background, or choice of subjects. 国与国之间的教育交流得到鼓励。 International educational exchange has been fostered. 中国传统的非竞技体育运动(太极拳、武术等)与现代奧林匹克竞技体育运动得以共同发展。 Traditional Chinese non-competitive sports (tai chi, wushu, etc.) exist side by side with modern Olympic sports. Chapter 2 Philosophy and Religions P.18: 思想流派 schools of thought 基本形成、得以蓬勃发展 take definite shapes, enjoy thriving development 百家争鸣 a hundred schools of thought contend 中国古代哲学 ancient Chinese Philosophy 先秦子学 the philosophy in pre-Qin times(?) 儒家学说 Confucianism 墨家、法家 Mohism, Legalism 孔子、孟子 Confucius, Mencius 核心思想、言行、行为准则 core of thought, words and deeds, code of behavior 仁、义、忠、恕 benevolence, justice, allegiance, forbearance 中庸之道 the doctrine of the golden mean (see the explanation on p.18) 伦理关系 ethical relations 中国哲学的发展自成一体,独立于西方国家和其它文明国家,具有显著的特点、独一无二的观念体系和表达方式。 Chinese philosophy developed independent of European and other civilized countries, with its own distinguishing features, unique concept systems and expressive ways. 中国哲学已经成为世界三大哲学体系之一,其他两个为西方哲学和印度哲学。 Chinese philosophy has become one of the three philosophy systems in the world, the other two being Western philosophy and Indian philosophy. 中国哲学春秋时期基本形成,百家争鸣的战国时期得以蓬勃发展。 Chinese philosophy began to take definite shapes during the Spring and Autumn Period and enjoyed thriving development because of the emergence of the “a hundred schools of thought contend” during the Warring States period. 儒家学说是以孔子和孟子为代表人物的思想学派。 Confucianism is a school of thought represented by Confucius and Mencius. 儒家学说以孔子的学说为核心思想,将孔子的言行奉为最高行为准则。 Confucianism takes t


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