SQL Server Basic课件.ppt

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SQL Server Basic课件

SQL Server Basic Concepts;*;Editions in SQL Server 2005;Normalization;;Denormalised Form;1NF- No Repeating Elements or Groups of Elements;1NF ;2NF- No Partial Dependencies on a Composite Key;2NF – Splitting Order Items to achieve 2NF;3NF- No Dependencies on Non-Key Attributes;SQL Server Management Studio;SQL Server Database;Physical Database Files and File groups;System Databases;Create Database;Data types;Database Tables;Constraints - Special properties that enforce data integrity ;Action Queries;Action Queries;Action Queries;Indexes;T-SQL Basics;Local Variables ;Select Query;Select - Using the FROM Clause;Select - WHERE and HAVING Clause;Select - Filtering Rows by Using WHERE clause;Functions;Built-in Function Categories;Select – GROUP BY Clause;Select - Grouping Rows with GROUP BY and Filtering by HAVING clause;Select – Sorting Rows with ORDER BY;TOP N and N %;Select – Using Joins;Types of Joins;Types of Outer Joins : LEFT OUTER JOIN or LEFT JOIN : It indicates all rows in the first table are to be included in the results, regardless of whether there is matching data in the second table RIGHT OUTER JOIN or RIGHT JOIN : It indicates all rows in the second table are to be included in the results, regardless of whether there is matching data in the first table FULL OUTER JOIN or FULL JOIN : To retain the non matching information by including non matching rows in the results of a join, use a full outer join. SQL Server provides the full outer join operator, FULL OUTER JOIN, which includes all rows from both tables, regardless of whether or not the other table has a matching value.;Views;Stored Procedures;Error Handling in SQL Procedures ;Try and Catch Block;User Defined Functions;Types of User Defined Functions;Difference between UDFs and Stored Procedures;Triggers;Transactions;Over Clause (New in SQL Server 2005);Ranking Functions;Cursors;


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