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第 7 卷  第 2 期 电化学 Vol . 7  No . 2 200 1 年 5 月 EL ECTROCHEM ISTR Y May 200 1 ( ) 文章编号 :1006- 347 1 200 1 02- 0 189- 06 Galvanic Corrosion of Ti N- W Electro- couple During Tungsten Chemical Mechanical Pol ishing CH EN G Xuan 1 , , L IN Chang-J ian2 ( 1. Dep t . of Chem . , 2 . Dep t . of M aterials S cience E ng i neeri ng , S t ate Key L aboratory f or Phys ical Chem is t ry of S ol i d S u rf aces , X iam an Univ . , X iam en 36 1005 , Chi na) Ab stract : Chemical- mechanical polishing ( CM P) is a p rocess whereby mechanical and chemical forces are combined to remove material from a wafer and polish it to a flat surface. Tungsten CM P is an import ant p rocess to gain t he global planarit y of silicon wafer s wit h t ungsten (W) plugs. Tungsten is act ually depo sited on a t hin adhesive layer of tit anium nit ride ( TiN ) on silicon . When clo se to t he final st age of polishing , TiN and W will be simult aneously expo sed to t he polishing chemist ry , forming a galvanic couple . The corro sion of TiN and W couple will result in different polish rate . This work st udied t he potential difference and galvanic current s on p articulate con t amination of t he abrasive on t he p atterned surface and on corro sion behavior s of TiN and W . The polarization curves o


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