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第33 卷第2期 东 北 大 学 学 报 ( 自 然 科 学 版 ) Vol133, No. 2 2 0 12 年 2 月 Journal of Northea tern U niver ity( Natural Science) Feb. 2 0 1 2 1 2 1 2 刘 静 , 殷 杰 , 谢佩佩 , 王 平 ( 1. , 110819; 2. , 110819) : , , / / , . , : , , ; 2~ 5 Lm, CuAl , CuA l Cu Al ; 4 10 e , 10 min 2 9 4 , . : ; ; ; ; : T B 331 : A : 1005- 3026( 2012) 02-0236-04 Heat Treatment Technology for Cu/ Al Composite Plates 1 2 1 2 LI UJing , YIN Jie , XIE Pei-pei , WANG Ping ( 1. School of Science , Northea tern Univer ity, Shenyang 110819, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Electr omag netic Proce ing of Material , M ini try of Education, Northea tern Univer ity , Sheny ang 110819, China. Corre ponding author : LIU Jing, a ociate profe or, E-mail: liu- @ 163. com) Abstract: By u ing a metallograph and a univer al m aterial te ting machine to ob erve the interface micro tructure of Cu/ Al compo ite thin plate and te t their mechanical propertie , the eff ect of heat treatment parameter on them w a inve tegated. It i concluded that the trength of the compo ite plate decrea e and their pla ticity increa e w ith increa ing the annealed temperature or holding time. The interf ace w idth of the compo ite plate i 2 ~ 5 Lm after annealing, w ith brittle compound ( CuAl , CuAl and Cu Al ) ob erved. The compo ite plate 2 9 4 annealed at 410 e for 10 m in ex hibit the optimal balance of mechanical propertie , i. e. , heating up to 4 10 e then holding 10 min i an optimal annealing chedule. Key words: compo ite plate; heating treatment


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