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论自由权的理解和保护 完成日期: 指导教师签字: 答辩小组成员签字: 论自由权的理解和保护 摘 要 自由权产生于人们对于“自由"的向往和要求。何为“自由"?“自由"实在是 一个历史极其悠久、内涵极其丰富、外延极其宽泛的范畴,没有哪个词像它一样有如此广泛的传播和影响力;自由权是人权家族中资格最老、生命力最强的一个成员;,自由权理论日益丰满和自洽,成为现代基本人权体系的支柱。自由权的诞生与发展为人认识其主体地位、构建个人与公权力之间的和谐关系、保障个人基本权利提供了新的视角和依据。公民的基本权利和自由是关系到公民生存、发展的重大问题,通常由宪法加以明确规定Free right is born in people's desire and demand for freedom. What is "freedom"?A very long history, rich connotation, extension is very broad, no word as it has so wide spread and influence; the right to freedom is the most senior member of the family of human rights, the right to freedom of the theory is increasingly plump and self consistent, becoming the backbone of modern basic human rights system. The birth and development of the right of freedom provides a new perspective and basis for the understanding of the main body position, the construction of harmonious relationship between the individual and the public power, the protection of the basic rights of the individual. The citizen's basic rights and freedom is the important problem which is related to the citizen's survival and development. It is usually defined by the constitution. However, the establishment and perfection of the basic rights and freedom of citizens is the inherent requirement of the modern democratic constitutional state.. Keywords: Free;Free right;Fundamental right;Constitutional safeguard;Legal protection 目 录 目 录 2 引 言 3 1自由权内涵特征 3 1.1自由权 3 1.2自由权理论的历史沿革 4 1.2.1古代自由权观念的产生。 4 1.2.1.近代自由权理论的发展。 5 1.3几种重要自由权 5 1.3.1言论自由权。 5 1.3.2出版自由权。 6 1.3.3



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