天狮软硬兼施拓展越南市场(Tiens Vietnam market development act tough and talk soft).doc

天狮软硬兼施拓展越南市场(Tiens Vietnam market development act tough and talk soft).doc

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天狮软硬兼施拓展越南市场(Tiens Vietnam market development act tough and talk soft)

天狮软硬兼施拓展越南市场(Tiens Vietnam market development act tough and talk soft) When it comes to domestic direct selling companies in the overseas market, most of the industry shake their heads. Because in recent years the domestic large and small enterprises have direct overseas market news, but only the concept of speculation, or that in the overseas market. The concept of speculation type direct selling companies often only in the overseas rent office by several head overseas speculation, they claim to broaden the international market, making their products in the international market unpopular sales illusion, to enhance their concept in the domestic market. What is more, the overseas market is false, the concept of speculation in China is really to get orders. A direct selling enterprise capital chain problems, staff salaries and bonus sales can not be paid, they claim to enter the Russian market, attract domestic net head large in solution as pressing danger. I repeatedly with the direct marketing staff to investigate the overseas market, found that most of its business with the direct selling enterprises to a deserted house, feel shy, but has repeatedly stressed that this but not the study of tourism. That type of direct selling enterprises aimed at the overseas market management standard of opportunities, although the business in the domestic market have not even business, however, in the overseas big hype, through the typical MLM model market speculation. Vietnam is the hardest hit that Chinese direct selling enterprises. It is understood that the domestic marketing company greatly small a few years ago into Vietnam, take a walk, you Changba me play, can be said to be in mid 1990s Taiwan marketing company in the mainland fishing gold version. Because of this, domestic direct selling enterprises in overseas development, not only in the domestic reputation, but also bear the stigma in overseas. A previously in Vietnam market speculation friends said, lest the Vietnames


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