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City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學 Student AGREEMENT (Part A) This student agreement is designed to protect all students of City University of Hong Kong (the University) participating in activities outside Hong Kong. The University requires all students to sign this form to indicate agreement before departure. All students must sign and return this agreement to the Career and Internship Office prior to departure from Hong Kong. 本學生協議書旨在保護到香港以外的地區或國家參加活動之所有香港城市大學(以下簡稱「」 Internship Programme and Organiser: ________________________________________________________ 實習計劃及主辦單位 Host Company: _________________________________________________________________________ 實習機構 Internship Period: ________________________ Country & City of Host Company__________________ 實習期間 實習機構所在國及城市 I acknowledge that I participate in the activity voluntarily. 本人承認是自願參與该活動。 I have carefully considered my health and personal circumstances when applying for and accepting a place in this activity, and I am physically and mentally capable to participate in and complete the activity; and I agree to assume all responsibilities for my health, safety, and belongings while participating in this activity. 本人在申請並同意參與本活動安排期間,已認真考慮了自身的健康狀況及個人情況,而本人的生理及心理條件均可參與並完成活動。本人同意承擔參加該項活動期間的健康、安全及財產之所有責任。 I understand that integration into a new culture and learning environment could place particular challenges, both mental and physical, on an individual and that, if I am currently receiving treatment for any chronic illness, I shall discuss with the staff-in-charge, counsellor or my doctor about plans to manage my health condition while away from Hong Kong. 本人明白,與一種新文化與新學習環境相融合會給個人的身心帶來特殊挑戰;若本人目前在接受任何慢性疾病的治療,應向活動的主事者、輔導員或本人的醫生告知本人在離開香港期間的健康狀況處理計劃。 I release the University, its officers, employees, agents and contractors from any and all liability, damage or claim of any nature whatsoever arising out of, or in any way related to my participation in this activity; to the extent as permitted by the


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