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《人文與社會》學報第三卷第二期 二○一三年六月 頁 95-120 義守大學通識教育中心 三曹詩歌中的鳥意象研究∗ 許淑惠 嘉南藥理科技大學通識教育中心兼任講師 臺灣 摘 要 漢末至魏,干戈動盪,卻也是文學自覺的年代,曹氏父子雅愛文 學,與建安七子,一同開創當代文風,彬彬盛況,成果斐然。歷來關 注三曹者,多以戰爭詩、樂府詩及書牘研究為主,亦多見側重其文學 風格、生命無常之慨嘆。綜觀三人詩歌,情意真摯,語言精美,透過 意象以喻己志,近來學者多所留心,舉凡風、霜露、飛鳥等,足見三 曹父子詩歌中的各類意象,已漸受學者關注,然論及飛鳥者,僅著重 於歸納賞析禽鳥形象,未能細膩分析各類鳥禽所蘊含之意義;且三曹 父子個人性情、生命閱歷、才學能力亦多所差異,故作品亦大相逕庭。 本文擬就三曹父子詩歌中所描繪的禽鳥意象,以史傳、詩話、筆記等 資料為輔,進行深入探討,以期更加貼近三曹父子詩歌創作之精髓。 關鍵詞:三曹父子、鳥意象。 ∗投稿日期:2013.02.28 ;刊登日期:2013.06.03 95 A Study On Bird Metaphors In The Poems Of Three Caos Hsu, Shu-Hui Center for General Education, Chia Nan University Taiwan Abstract From the end of the Han Dynasty to the Wei Dynasty, it was the time warfare happened frequently. Although the situation was unrest, it was also an awakening period for literature. The Cao Family were fond of literature and brought it up with The Seven Scholars of Jian’an to a prevailing state. Nowadays, most of the study conductors usually focused on Three Caos’ poems regarding warfare, Music Bureau Collection, and letters, and emphasized on their poetry styles and exclamatory expressions toward transient life. However, in recent years, there were more and more scholars studying on Three Caos’ poetry metaphors such as wind, frost and dew, and flying birds due to Caos’ exquisite words to express their ambitions in metaphors with their true heart. Even though, there was more attention on Caos’ poetry metaphors, flying birds were merely categorized and appreciated without elaborate analyses. Different bird spieces meant different


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