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收集 搜集者 一对,一双 溜冰鞋 溜冰者 自从 筹集,筹募 几个的,数个的 邮票 风筝 任何人 储存 蛋糕 14 公共的,共同的 15.钱币,硬币 16. be的过去分词 17. 作家 18. 省会,首都 19. 欧洲的,欧洲人的 20. 俄罗斯的,俄罗斯人的 21. 澳大利亚的 22. 一千 23.外国人 24. 相当,十分 25. 确实的,无疑的 26. 思念 1 一双(一对、一条)…… 2 为……筹钱 3 几个溜冰者 4 第一个/最后一个……做某事的人 5 整整五个小时 6 三年半 7 想要做某事 8 集邮 9 因……而感谢你 10 事实上 11 用完 12 在我七岁生日时 13 顺便一提 14 对……感兴趣 15 ……的首都/省会 16 具有……的风格 17 多于,超出 18 成千上万的,数以千计的 几千 19 越……,就越…… 20 离……远 21 确信 1 你已收集贝壳多长时间啦? 2 我滑冰已滑冰五个小时了。 3 我们已经用完了所有的空间来储存它们。 4 如果你知道其他任何人收集雪花球,请告诉我。 5 最常见的爱好是什么? 6 我对撰稿人这份工作很感兴趣。 现在完成进行时: 结构: have/ has been + v-ing常与for 和since 引 导的时间状语连用 for +时间段 Since + 时间点 时间段+ ago= for +时间段 提问用 句子(一般过去式) Haw long have you been c______ shells? Mike likes s_____ in winter. How long have you b___ in class today? Alison has been skating for s____ hours. When did you get your first p___ of skates? She has been skating s____ she was seven years old. Students are skating to r_____ money for charity. I am i________ in learning English. They can’t speak Chinese at all. They are both f______. Zhengzhou is the c_______ of Henan province. My father has been away for two months. I m______ him very much. 12. Jack bought two _____ in the shop yesterday. pair of shoes B. pairs of shoes C. pair of two shoes 13.They have a house ___ thees and flowers around it. A. of B. with C. in D. for 14. We have run ___ rice, so we will have to buy some this afternoon. A. Out B. of C. out of D. out to 15. ___ she is Australian, her family is Jewish. Although B. If C. Since D. for 16. The pair of shoes ____ ( be) much too expensive. 17.___ anyone come to the office? A. Has B. Have C. Is D. are 18. Thanks for ___ me the message. A. give B. gave c. been D. giving 19._____ you work, ___ knowledge you’ll get. The harder, more B. The harder, the more C. Harder, the more D. Harder, more 20.____ careful you are, _____ mistakes you’ll make. The more, the more B. The fewer,the more c. The more, the fewer D. The less,


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