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The Brief Introduction Of Chinese Folk Music Made by Ed.Zhao Chinese Folk Music As pop music,folk music plays a very important role in the chinese modern music history.At the same time,it also has an effect on the chinese ancient music. And it has to admit that folk music stands out from other forms of music for a long period in our country.And even nowadays,it is still an indispensable part in the booming music world. Red Songs Among the best-known form of folk music to us is red songs. Red songs mostly aimed to sing the praises of revolution and our country.Often they have dense affection and intense rhythms.The songs reflect the revolution,which in turn arises people’s memory before as well. The Characters of Red Songs The tune of red songs are harmonious and beautiful.Maybe because red songs derive from folk music,their lyrics are usually very brief and plain.Red songs come in varieties of styles and each style mostly depend on where it is.When listening red songs,we can not only relax ourselves but also can feel the limitless power from them. Here are some famous red songs: 《爱我中华》 ?《英雄赞歌》 《浏阳河》 ?《咱们工人有力量》 《我的中国心》 ?《祖国颂》 《南泥湾》 ?《血染的风采》 《红星闪闪》 ?《我的祖国》 《红旗飘飘》 ?《学习雷锋好榜样》 《听妈妈讲那过去的故事》 ?《我想党来唱支歌》 《没有共产党就没有新中国》 ?《一二三四歌》 《四渡赤水出奇兵》 ?《中国人》 《军中绿花》 ?《我和我的祖国》 《东方红》 ?《五星红旗》 《当兵的人》 ?《解放军军歌》 《在太行山上》 ?《志愿军军歌》 * *


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