TDA8954THN1,118,TDA8954THN1,118,TDA8954THN1,118,TDA8954JN1,112, 规格书,Datasheet 资料.pdf

TDA8954THN1,118,TDA8954THN1,118,TDA8954THN1,118,TDA8954JN1,112, 规格书,Datasheet 资料.pdf

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TDA8954THN1,118,TDA8954THN1,118,TDA8954THN1,118,TDA8954JN1,112, 规格书,Datasheet 资料

TDA8954 2 × 210 W class-D power amplifier Rev. 01 — 24 December 2009 Product data sheet 1. General description The TDA8954 is a stereo or mono high-efficiency Class D audio power amplifier in a single IC featuring low power dissipation. It is designed to deliver up to 2 × 210 W into a 4 Ω load in a stereo Single-Ended (SE) application, or 1 × 420 W into an 8 Ω load in a mono Bridge-Tied Load (BTL) application. It combines the benefits of Class D efficiency (≈93 % into a 4 Ω load) with audiophile sound quality comparable to that associated with Class AB amplification. The amplifier operates over a wide supply voltage range from ± 12.5 V to ±42.5 V and features low quiescent current consumption. The TDA8954 is supplied with two diagnostic pins for monitoring the status of Thermal Fold Back (TFB), Over Current Protection (OCP) and other protection circuits. 2. Features High output power in typical applications: SE 2 × 210 W, RL = 4 Ω (VDD = 41 V; VSS = −41 V) SE 2 × 235 W, RL = 3 Ω (VDD = 39 V; VSS = −39 V) SE 2 × 150 W, RL = 6 Ω (VDD = 41 V; VSS = −41 V) BTL 1 × 420 W, RL = 8 Ω (VDD = 41 V; VSS = −41 V) Symmetrical operating supply voltage range from ± 12.5 V to ±42.5 V Stereo full differential inputs, can be used as stereo SE or mono BTL amplifier Low noise Smooth pop noise-free start-up and switch off 2-pin diagnostics for protection


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