贫血处方(Anemia prescription).doc

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贫血处方(Anemia prescription)

贫血处方(Anemia prescription) [prescription] 1., anemia for many reasons, should be carefully examined the cause of disease in order to remedy the case, do not arbitrarily eat blood tonic.. 2., anemia patients can not be partial eclipse, pay attention to regularly eat iron and folic acid rich foods, such as green vegetables, eggs, meat, fish, fruits and so on. 3. the growth and development of children and women during pregnancy, lactation hematopoietic material needs a large amount of nutrition should be strengthened, such as food supplement is not enough, the doctor under the guidance of oral iron and folic acid. 4. menorrhagia in women but also to replenish iron, should find out whether to cure gynecological diseases, gynecological diseases, stem the bleeding holes, anemia can restore. Patients with hemorrhoids, bleeding or hookworm disease should be treated in time, otherwise chronic chronic bleeding can lead to iron deficiency anemia. 5. gastric and intestinal surgery patients, chronic gastritis, gastric acid reduction will cause hematopoietic factors lack, should pay attention to the inspection, such as anemia, should be actively treated. First, prevention and treatment of disease: active treatment of primary diseases, including the cause of treatment. Characterized by excessive bleeding, such as excessive menstruation or diarrhea Complications such as acute and chronic bleeding, hookworm disease, hemorrhoids, bleeding and poor hematopoiesis, such as absorption of iron, folic acid and vitamin B12 barrier Obstruction should be promptly identified, supplemented by hematopoietic raw materials, take the necessary treatment measures. We should know the cause of hemolytic anemia Because of positive prevention, such as blood transfusion, diet, broad beans, certain drugs, etc., and strive to avoid pathogenic factors, from a certain environment or No strenuous exercise. Drugs that are damaging to the hematopoietic system, such as antineoplastic drugs, should be tightly cont



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