analysis of the new university legal education the path of sustainable development and measures to explore(分析新大学法律教育探索可持续发展的路径和措施).doc

analysis of the new university legal education the path of sustainable development and measures to explore(分析新大学法律教育探索可持续发展的路径和措施).doc

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analysis of the new university legal education the path of sustainable development and measures to explore(分析新大学法律教育探索可持续发展的路径和措施)

Analysis of the New University legal education the path of sustainable development and measures to explore Paper Keywords: New University legal education for sustainable development path Abstract: New faces legal education colleges and other educational resources human, financial limitations, the ambiguity of targeting training and curriculum such as the irrationality of reality. New University legal education to achieve sustainable development, must identify the school with their actual position, to form a unique school characteristics, and curriculum to optimize, standardize and enrich the teaching course content, to further increase funding for education and teaching facilities to protect and strengthen the ‘Double’ Teachers and vocational skills training to the law as the core of building a sound practical teaching system. New University law school education, both hardware and software resources, the quality of students, or school experience, etc., there is ‘inherent.’ To pursue sustainable development, we must realistically identify their orientation, and on this basis the strengthening, development and utilization of existing educational resources, the formation of practical, unique, to foster innovation and practical ability of law students oriented training model and mechanisms, so as to get rid of legal education and legal profession needs ‘mismatch’ phenomenon, to better serve the local economic and social development. 1, the new reality of legal education colleges dilemma 1. Lack of school funds Legal education for sustainable development requires not only a scientific and rational educational planning and measures also need to have sufficient funds to do to support schools, but educational practice, the majority held the new colleges and schools of legal education not only did not match the school funding plan do support, and improved benefits for law teachers is also difficult. In desperation, for the sake of ‘development’, some schools



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