analysis of the property by registered(分析房地产的注册).doc

analysis of the property by registered(分析房地产的注册).doc

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analysis of the property by registered(分析房地产的注册)

Analysis of the property by registered Abstract With the hot real estate market in recent years, property values #8203;#8203;continue to rise, more and more disputes about the house. lt;lt; Property Law gt;gt; defined real property ownership and contents based on the real property register registration OK all sectors, but in real life there are a lot of real estate registration nominee inconsistent with the actual rights situation due to the adjustment of national policy, by name to buy a phenomenon began to occur frequently, real estate disputes arising gradually began to be attention. This article aims to analyze some of the legal issues involved in real estate by registered, the effectiveness of the purchase agreement by registered, risk prevention and special circumstances to sort out. Categories by name the effectiveness of the registration agreement In recent years, housing prices are rising the country to have introduced a number of policies for appropriate regulation, including affordable housing policy and real estate purchase of the policy, so a lot of people in order to enjoy the price discount or buyers with permission by the names of others registered buyers, However, the legal title and ownership of the housing separated due to this purchase method, which led to a lot of disputes, which disputes exist in the situation of the the nominal buyers who want the actual possession of the house rather than to the actual contribution of Book Closure in given by registered because the law has not yet clearly defined, in practice, by the trial of the case to the registered property disputes has been a judge troublesome problem I believe that the real estate registration is credible, but complex real life is not a law that can be foreseen, a variety of reasons may lead to inconsistencies in the registration with the actual owner, therefore, should not be any identified registration on behalf of the owner, should be based on objective analysis of specific



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