analysis of the psychological care of patients committed suicide in the application(分析病人心理护理的应用程序中自杀了).doc

analysis of the psychological care of patients committed suicide in the application(分析病人心理护理的应用程序中自杀了).doc

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analysis of the psychological care of patients committed suicide in the application(分析病人心理护理的应用程序中自杀了)

Analysis of the psychological care of patients committed suicide in the application Paper Network: [Keywords] suicide psychological care nursing program Suicidal patients is a common emergency department patients. At least 25 million people in China each year commit suicide in the cause of death in the first five sequencing [1] suicide patients have special psychological characteristics [2], a good psychological and behavioral interventions to reduce suicide mental stress, so that patients commit suicide as soon as possible out of the shadow of suicide, return to their families and society [3]. Yizheng City People’s Hospital emergency department from January 2007 to March 2009 a total of 100 patients admitted to suicide, emergency rescue through the combination of psychological care to obtain satisfactory results, are as follows. Clinical data Yizheng City People’s Hospital from January 2007 - March 2009, 100 patients admitted to committing suicide in which 29 male and female 71 cases, the youngest 16 years old, maximum 82 years old. Suicide as follows: oral pesticide 84 cases, taking sleeping pills 8 cases, attempted in 4 cases, hanging in 2 cases, 1 case of ritual, drink toilet water 1 case in 100 cases of suicide because there are five major types: family conflicts in 79 cases, non-marital relations and in 7 cases, 6 cases of lost love, study pressure large in 5 cases, disease-ridden in 3 cases. 2 the assessment of psychological problems With patients and their families through repeated exchanges, to understand the reasons, careful observation of the patient’s speech and behavior, ranging through the length of time after the match to take the voluntary survey, the results showed that patients with interpersonal sensitivity in 25 cases, 37 cases of terror, depression 12 cases, 5 cases of hostility, paranoia 9 cases, suicidal thoughts in 12 cases. 3 to determine the psychological care of the target Explicit goal is to psychological



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