analysis of the roadbed widening network construction technology(分析路基拓宽网络建设技术).doc

analysis of the roadbed widening network construction technology(分析路基拓宽网络建设技术).doc

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analysis of the roadbed widening network construction technology(分析路基拓宽网络建设技术)

Analysis of the roadbed widening network construction technology Paper Network: Abstract: With China’s rapid socio-economic development, and now most of the roads function can not meet the growing transportation needs of the community, for which the original is imperative to upgrading the highway, while the roadbed widening both design or construction, renovation projects are key to this paper in order to participate in the construction of the highway expansion project experience to explain, hope to provide a reference for other construction projects. Keywords: multi-year construction of roadbed widening construction 0 Introduction After years of opening the road, after the basic completion of subgrade settlement, Subgrade Widening roadbed segment due to uneven settlement of the old and new, must have represented the longitudinal cracks cracks, which cause damage to the road this end, we must strengthen the roadbed widening when the design optimization and construction quality, the settlement amount minus minimum, to ensure the quality of roads. 1 construction preparation Old Lulujijia wide, we must first investigate the status of the old road, and the original roadbed of the disease for processing. Topics covered include the old road embankment filling material, the use of and damage to other diseases and to analyze the type of disease, size, status, and reasons, and in construction before or during construction of the roadbed of different types of diseases to be thoroughly dealt with. Second, the roadbed should be completed before construction and soil compaction test liquid and plastic limits by subgrade soil compaction testing to determine the optimum moisture content and maximum dry density for embankment construction to provide reference for detecting the degree of compaction by liquid and plastic limits trials of subgrade plasticity index, to determine whether the soil samples used for roadbed construction. 2 base treatment O



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