analysis of the speech act theory in business management in the use of(分析言语行为理论在企业管理的使用).doc

analysis of the speech act theory in business management in the use of(分析言语行为理论在企业管理的使用).doc

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analysis of the speech act theory in business management in the use of(分析言语行为理论在企业管理的使用)

Analysis of the speech act theory in business management in the use of Abstract: This article from the perspective of speech act theory in business management and corporate culture slogans analysis, trying to explain the theory with the actual situation, to explore its use value, dynamic guide to social practice. Paper Keywords: speech act theory, business management culture slogan The so-called corporate culture is in a certain historical conditions, production and operation of enterprises and employees in the practice of gradually change the common ideology, style, values ??and codes of conduct, corporate personality is a kind of belief and behavior. Enterprise Culture competitive system is proportional to-day business success treasure. Slogan embodies the business philosophy and corporate culture in the Code plays an important role in the management. Speaker (managers) to use a fundamental purpose of the slogan is the slogan of hope in the hearer (employees) who achieve a language outside of the actual effects, such as the hearer (employees) from mental or emotional state of a behavior change, and to issue action (work, etc.) of these slogans is a special case of a communication form. Most of them are brilliant language, in linguistics, psychology. Sociology, marketing, aesthetics and other aspects of the formation under the influence, but we can not just stay in the language of surface phenomena, but should be combined with the actual situation in-depth theoretical explanation, its up to the theoretical level, to explore its use value, guide to dynamic social practice. A speech act theory In our usual perception, speech and behavior are two distinct areas. Thus the habit of being separate, but in fact, in a certain context. Verbal behavior can play a role in this broad sense is speech act theory. This linguistic phenomenon in our lives is very generally, for our daily communication has an important role in guiding the speech act theory (speech



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