analysis of the spring and comprehensive prevention and control of common swine(春天的分析和综合防治常见的猪).doc

analysis of the spring and comprehensive prevention and control of common swine(春天的分析和综合防治常见的猪).doc

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analysis of the spring and comprehensive prevention and control of common swine(春天的分析和综合防治常见的猪)

Analysis of the spring and comprehensive prevention and control of common swine Paper Keywords swine; spring; control measures Abstract presented in the spring common swine, including swine fever, swine flu, lung disease, piglet paratyphoid fever, E. coli disease, summed up its integrated control measures for pig farmers for reference. Spring is the season of more than swine and more mixed infections, difficult to cure after the onset of most common with classical swine fever, swine flu, lung disease, piglet paratyphoid fever, E. coli disease. The highest mortality rate of classical swine fever, swine flu mortality rate is low, but can lead to pig growth retardation, decreased the effectiveness of breeding this end, the pig farmers to implement case-based approach, using a variety of preventive measures to control the disease occur, the disease prevention work earnestly to ensure the healthy development of swine industry. I production practice, now common in spring fashion swine control measures described below, for pig farmers for reference. 1 swine fever Classical swine fever is also called bad intestinal plague, is caused by the swine fever virus, porcine an acute, febrile, septic diseases. Different species, age, gender, .1-month-old pigs are susceptible to infection within a few pigs disease, 1 month after increasing susceptibility to this disease is highly contagious, when pigs are susceptible to infection, that cause acute outbreaks, the first disease of pigs was the most acute after the death, morbidity and mortality are high mainly reflected a sudden onset, high fever missed, convulsions, twitching limbs, skin and mucous membrane cyanosis. into the CSF before and after the onset of the spring peak, often in disease-prone areas or threatened areas, to the sows in before or after the breeding mating immune l times; piglets in the first 20 to 25 days for free, 50 to 60 days two free in the non-affected areas to deal with breeding sows in



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