analysis of wavelet neural network for analog circuit fault diagnosis of the progress(分析小波神经网络的模拟电路故障诊断的进展).doc

analysis of wavelet neural network for analog circuit fault diagnosis of the progress(分析小波神经网络的模拟电路故障诊断的进展).doc

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analysis of wavelet neural network for analog circuit fault diagnosis of the progress(分析小波神经网络的模拟电路故障诊断的进展)

Analysis of wavelet neural network for analog circuit fault diagnosis of the progress Paper Network: Paper Keywords: analog circuits, fault diagnosis, wavelet neural network Abstract: This paper analyzes the importance of analog circuit fault diagnosis and the current difficulties, the theory based on wavelet analysis and neural network theory of analog circuit fault diagnosis methods are reviewed. That the wavelet neural network used in analog circuit fault diagnosis problems and prospects for future applications. Analog circuit fault diagnosis, in theory, can be summarized as follows: in the known network topology, the input stimulus and response or failure may be a known part of the component parameters in the case, find the parameters and location of faulty components. Although analog circuit fault diagnosis theories and methods have achieved a lot, made a lot of fault diagnosis methods, such as fault dictionary method, fault parameter identification method, fault verification method. However, due to testing and diagnosis of analog circuits has its own difficulties, slow progress of its major difficulties are: analog circuit fault model is more complex, difficult to make a simple quantitative; analog circuit component parameters with tolerance, increasing the difficulty of diagnosis; widespread in analog circuits with nonlinear problems for fault diagnosis more difficult; in a practical analog circuits, almost without exception, there is a feedback loop, the simulation requires a lot of complex calculations; actual voltage analog circuits can be measured very limited number of nodes leading to diagnosis that can be used for the amount of information is inadequate, resulting in fault location uncertainty and ambiguity. In the past, fault diagnosis of analog circuits remain in the small-scale study non-linear tolerance or small tolerances, in some ways has also been successfully applied to engineering practice, but how to effectively s



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