analysis- price war caused by rational development of a certain period(分析-价格战造成的理性的一定时期内的发展).doc

analysis- price war caused by rational development of a certain period(分析-价格战造成的理性的一定时期内的发展).doc

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analysis- price war caused by rational development of a certain period(分析-价格战造成的理性的一定时期内的发展)

Analysis: price war caused by rational development of a certain period Research papers Download news: As we all know, is now the B2B e-business enterprise itself the “price war” caused by indirect appear rational development of a certain period in a long-term point of view, such a “price war” is difficult to eliminate, and more can not be ruled out at some point appear more obvious and brutal again “price war.” And the biggest social market economy is characterized by competition difficult to stop, so that the price competition is just one manifestation of it. From the perspective of the market economy, as long as the company exists, it will face price competition and service competition. Traditional industries such, B2B electronic business competition is difficult exception is reported that a round of group buying sites, vertical B2C closures appear, difficult for large B2B electricity supplier is also very obvious, but the market economy, competition track display, the overall price war will not stop, normal trend is obvious from another angle, at some stage or by the industry itself recognize industry norms or policies factors, the price war is entering a period of relatively rational competition is to be expected. Although huge electricity supplier industry through public financing or investment, financial situation has improved, but the reality of making the industry operating losses the pressure of competition is not the slightest decrease, the price war competition makes business is facing severe challenges. From B2B e-commerce industry in China’s future development, as soon as possible to achieve important things in the field of economic and social scale demonstration application breakthroughs in core technologies, the initial formation of the networking industry system, significantly improved security in the capital market financing is reflected encourage financial capital, venture capital and private capital to invest in networki



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