Abaqus User Subroutines Reference Guide 用户材料子程序帮助文档.pdf

Abaqus User Subroutines Reference Guide 用户材料子程序帮助文档.pdf

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Abaqus User Subroutines Reference Guide 用户材料子程序帮助文档

1.1.41 UMAT User subroutine to define a materials mechanical behavior. Product: Abaqus/Standard Warning : The use of this subroutine generally requires considerable exp ertise. You are cautioned that the imp lementation of any realistic constitutive model requires ex tensive develop ment and testing. Initial testing on a single-element model with p rescribed traction loading is strongly recommended. References “User-defined mechanical material behavior,” Section 26.7.1 of the Abaqus Analysis Users Guide “User-defined thermal material behavior,” Section 26.7.2 of the Abaqus Analysis Users Guide *USER MATERIAL “SDVINI,” Section 4.1.11 of the Abaqus Verification Guide “UMAT and UHYPER,” Section 4.1.2 1 of the Abaqus Verification Guide Overview User subroutine UMAT: can be used to define the mechanical constitutive behavior of a material; will be called at all material calculation points of elements for which the material definition includes a user-defined material behavior; can be used with any procedure that includes mechanical behavior; can use solution-dependent state variables; must update the stresses and solution-dependent state variables to their values at the end of the increment for which it is called; must provide the material Jacobian matrix, , for the mechanical constitutive model; can be used in conjunction with user subroutine USDFLD to redefine any field variables before they are passed in; and is described further in “User-defined mechanical material behavior,” Section 26.7.1 of the Abaqus Analysis Users Guide. Storage of stress and strain components In the stress and strain arrays and in the matrices DDSDDE, DDSDDT, and DRPLDE, direct components are stored first, followed by shear components. There are NDI direct and NSHR engineering shear componen


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