中医药大学急救护理学第四次作业(Fourth assignments of emergency nursing in Chinese Medicine University).doc

中医药大学急救护理学第四次作业(Fourth assignments of emergency nursing in Chinese Medicine University).doc

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中医药大学急救护理学第四次作业(Fourth assignments of emergency nursing in Chinese Medicine University)

中医药大学急救护理学第四次作业(Fourth assignments of emergency nursing in Chinese Medicine University) Note 1, the subject of more courses, if you do homework, the title is not easy to find, you can try the editor of the search, it is convenient. 2, finish a problem, delete one, convenient and quick Type A problem: Please choose the best answer from the alternative answer 1. about the pathogenesis of acute carbon monoxide poisoning, which is wrong, [1 minutes? D.COHb is easy to dissociate 2. the characteristic symptom of carbon monoxide poisoning is () [1 minutes.] C. lips are cherry red 3. low dose intravenous injection of methylene blue for what kind of poisoning rescue [1] B. nitrite poisoning 4. it is not suitable to take ([1) minutes for rescuing acute poisoning of barbiturates E. acidified urine to promote excretion 5. organophosphate poisoning, can improve the pupil narrowing, dyspnea, gland secretion increase and other symptoms of drugs is () [1 minutes] C. atropine 6., in the rescue of acute carbon monoxide poisoning, in order to correct tissue hypoxia as soon as possible, should first () [1 minutes.] A. left the scene quickly 7., morphine poisoning should be selected () [1 minutes.] C. naloxone 8. acute carbon monoxide poisoning, after the recovery of consciousness disorder, how long can it be after the false healing period and the emergence of delayed encephalopathy [1? B.2 to 60 days In 9. patients, female, 32 years old, was sent to the emergency, because of coma. History, physical examination: BP90 / 60mmHg, pupil size as the tip, the smell of garlic breath, body sweating, muscle tremors, pulmonary rales were two. Which of the following diagnostic possibilities is the largest [1? D. organophosphorus pesticide poisoning 10. the main diagnosis of carbon monoxide poisoning is () [1 minutes.] A. carbon monoxide hemoglobin test positive 11. when organophosphorus pesticide poisoning occurs, atropine can not relieve symptoms ([1) C. muscle fiber fibrillation 12. carbon monox



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