中医药治疗骨质疏松症近况(Recent progress of Chinese medicine in treatment of osteoporosis).doc

中医药治疗骨质疏松症近况(Recent progress of Chinese medicine in treatment of osteoporosis).doc

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中医药治疗骨质疏松症近况(Recent progress of Chinese medicine in treatment of osteoporosis)

中医药治疗骨质疏松症近况(Recent progress of Chinese medicine in treatment of osteoporosis) Chinese medicine for the treatment of osteoporosis status Update: 07-01 [keyword] osteoporosis; TCM therapy; review Osteoporosis is a common disease in the elderly in harm, with the increasing growth of human life and the elderly population, as a degenerative disease caused by osteoporosis and fractures has become an important social problem. The disease seriously affect the quality of life of the elderly, there is a high incidence. The treatment of osteoporosis with traditional Chinese medicine in recent years the situation of. 1 drug treatment The drug composition of Li Yuming 1 with Bushen Huoxue agent for the treatment of osteoporosis, Epimedium 15g, Cistanche 15g, Rehmannia 10g, Eucommia 30g, tortoise shell 15g, psoralen 15g, Dipsacus 15g, Achyranthes 15g, angelica 15g, Salvia 30g, safflower 12g, Chuanxiong 10g. Water decoction, daily 1 agent, each serving the 6D withdrawal 1D for 6 months. Before the treatment, the bone mineral density in 0.502 + 0.047, 0.585 + 0.090 after treatment. Lu Wei 2 with Bushen Jiangu Decoction in the treatment of this disease. Drug composition: antler, epimedium, drynaria rhizome, eucommia, Morinda officinalis, cinnamon, aconite, rehmannia, medlar, Chinese yam. Shuijianbi, 3 months for 1 courses. Observation of clinical symptoms and bone mineral density. Results in 40 cases, 5 cases were clinically controlled, 12 cases markedly effective 21 cases, invalid 2 cases. Liu Caihong 3 with 36 cases of rheumatic liquid in the treatment of osteoporosis, with rheumatism, oral liquid, ingredients: antler glue, turtle shell glue, Achyranthes, Loranthaceae, notopterygium, Gentiana, parsnip, papaya, angelica, Radix Paeoniae Alba, Rhizoma Chuanxiong, safflower, Atractylodes, licorice, red etc.. 20ml each time, 3 times a day, 2 months for 1 courses. Results 5 cases cured, 27 cases effective, 4 cases ineffective. Sun Jie 4 with Migu Capsule treatment. Prescription: Astrag



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