中医诊断学26讲 局部望诊望躯体(二)、望四肢(Diagnostics of traditional Chinese medicine 26 local inspection body (two), looking at the limbs).doc

中医诊断学26讲 局部望诊望躯体(二)、望四肢(Diagnostics of traditional Chinese medicine 26 local inspection body (two), looking at the limbs).doc

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中医诊断学26讲 局部望诊望躯体(二)、望四肢(Diagnostics of traditional Chinese medicine 26 local inspection body (two), looking at the limbs)

中医诊断学26讲 局部望诊望躯体(二)、望四肢(Diagnostics of traditional Chinese medicine 26 local inspection body (two), looking at the limbs) Here are the third elements, the third abdomen. First of all, look at the normal abdominal shape, normal abdominal status, which is a normal performance, symmetrical, neither prominent nor concave, belly button does not protrude out of such a performance, the normal belly. The abdomen is flat, symmetrical and flush with the chest. The abdomen is flat; the belly is hollow; this abdomen is the three form of expansion. Normal people generally should be this kind, the middle of this state. Abdominal distention. Big belly, big belly, of course, can be seen in fat people, (fat) is also a big belly. If abdominal distention, body weight, big belly, but the body is very thin, generally speaking a big belly fat body is not thin, although his limbs muscle is not how developed, but he is generally not thin. If there is a thin body, and abdominal distention, it is a kind of. The patient is very typical of the bulge, the edge as well as venous engorgement, navel are sticking out, turned out, you see the abdominal varicose veins, varicose veins, veins, a lot of blue, this is. The belly is big and the body is swollen. Of course it is edema. A partial abdominal enlargement, is not the same as a ball belly so big, in addition to this ball bulging, the last time we spoke, Chang Tan ovarian cyst, big is also great, of course also has a general emphasis on the position, if is ovarian cyst on the right, the right side of course she even larger, there are only part of a place, this place is the stomach bulge out, or just below the stomach. Not long ago I visited a (a) of patients with pancreatic cyst, feels, the outside touch a fist, the head of the pancreas abscess, acute pancreatitis after the formation of a mass, ate two or three months of medicine, now slowly disappear in half and half so big, now can also be touched. There is a big egg, originally a fist (large) m



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