中医辨证治疗原发性低血压46例疗效观察(Observation of curative effect of 46 cases of Primary Hypotension Treated by TCM syndrome differentiation).doc

中医辨证治疗原发性低血压46例疗效观察(Observation of curative effect of 46 cases of Primary Hypotension Treated by TCM syndrome differentiation).doc

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中医辨证治疗原发性低血压46例疗效观察(Observation of curative effect of 46 cases of Primary Hypotension Treated by TCM syndrome differentiation)

中医辨证治疗原发性低血压46例疗效观察(Observation of curative effect of 46 cases of Primary Hypotension Treated by TCM syndrome differentiation) Observation of curative effect of 46 cases of Primary Hypotension Treated by TCM syndrome differentiation Update Date: 12-14 [Key words] Primary Hypotension; TCM syndrome differentiation; curative effect observation In adults, blood pressure was measured less than 90/60 mmHg (12/8 kPa) for 3 times, which was hypotension. Hypotension can be divided into primary hypotension and secondary hypotension, and primary hypotension can be classified as asymptomatic hypotension and symptomatic hypotension. Asymptomatic hypotension usually has no clinical significance, symptomatic hypotension the main clinical manifestations were lower than normal blood pressure and dizzy, fatigue, insomnia, irritability, loss of appetite, Yaoxisuanruan, sallow complexion, with postural changes, and even a short time before amaurosis dumping, seriously affect the patients work and life. In the past 5 years, 46 cases of symptomatic hypotension have been treated with TCM syndrome differentiation. The curative effect is remarkable, and it is reported as follows. 1 clinical information 1.1 general information In all the 46 patients in our hospital outpatient cases, there were 12 males and 34 females; age ranged from 15 to 48 years, including 15 years old to 25 years old in 24 cases, 13 cases of 26 ~ 35 years old, 36 years old to 45 years old in 6 cases, above 46 years old in 3 cases; the shortest duration of 2 in August, the longest 8 years; according to TCM, gas subsidence type in 19 cases, 14 cases of 6 cases of Qi Yin deficiency, kidney essence deficiency, dampness type in 5 cases, 2 cases of liver poor type. 1.2 diagnostic criteria All cases were measured according to the standard methods of brachial artery blood pressure less than 90/60 mmHg, and in accordance with the Practical Chinese medicine vertigo diagnosis standard 1 and the differential diagnosis of clinical sy



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