中医这样望闻问切(This smell of traditional Chinese Medicine).doc

中医这样望闻问切(This smell of traditional Chinese Medicine).doc

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中医这样望闻问切(This smell of traditional Chinese Medicine)

中医这样望闻问切(This smell of traditional Chinese Medicine) Find a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, most people only know to look for a doctor of traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, and by what means the root, can make nothing of it. Traditional Chinese medicine how to look and smell? Li Junxiang, director of digestive medicine of Dongfang Hospital of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, opened the mystery of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine for you. Look out Mr. Zhangs father at home suffering from bone cancer, pain, mobility. Mr. Zhang went to a three grade hospital of traditional Chinese medicine to hang an expert number and asked the doctor to prescribe medicine for his father. The experts made it clear that patients were not prescribed. Helpless, he went to a small hospital, so that the doctor opened a prescription, sent back to his hometown. Who knows, after his father took Chinese medicine, the condition is more and more fierce, and Mr. Zhang can not think of it. In this regard, Li Junxiang explained that the Chinese medicine doctor, always pay attention to the combination of all. Look for four of the first, is to see the uniqueness of a person. There are all kinds of things in the world. a persons complexion, eyes, tongue, and fingerprints are closely related to the severity of the patients illness. The God of hope and knowledge. Hope complexion, is observed in patients with facial color and luster, color is outside the blood and viscera Rong, can understand the rise and fall of the viscera of evil. If the yellow complexion is pale red is probably the spleen deficiency, hyperactivity of liver yang. Also, looking at the tongue coating, including observing the tongue, the color and thickness of the tongue coating and the shape of the tongue body, and changing the tongue coating, reflecting the physiological and pathological condition of human body, the depth of the disease, so as to guide the treatment of syndrome di



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