中华古代美德故事七则(Seven stories of ancient Chinese virtues).doc

中华古代美德故事七则(Seven stories of ancient Chinese virtues).doc

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中华古代美德故事七则(Seven stories of ancient Chinese virtues)

中华古代美德故事七则(Seven stories of ancient Chinese virtues) Seven stories of ancient Chinese virtues Modest and polite Confucius Chinese called a state of ceremonies. Li as a specific behavior, refers to the people in the way of getting along with people the manners, which is now known as the polite. And the essence of courtesy is to show respect and friendship for others. This psychological need is beyond the times and lasts forever. However, if a person only knows the form of courtesy, but there is no humility, then he will not really understand courtesy, humility is modest and equal performance, is the important meaning of politeness. Modesty and courtesy include the pride and pride of our ancestors in the natural culture, and it is one of the basic characteristics of the Chinese as a chinese. The spring and Autumn period, Confucius and his students to travel around the world, to promote their political views. One day, they drove to the. A child was playing in the middle of the road, blocking his path with piles of crushed stones. Confucius said, you shouldnt play in the middle of the road, blocking our car.!. The child pointed to the floor and said, old man, what do you think this is? Confucius looked at a city covered with crushed stones. The child said: you say, should the city give way to the car or the car to the city to make way for it? Confucius was asked to stay. Confucius thought the child was very polite and asked, whats your name? How old are you? The child said: I called 7 years of marriage! Confucius said to the students: marriage 7 years old propriety and he can be my teacher! Honest and trustworthy Confucius, Zeng Zi, Ji Bu Is honest, loyal and honest, consistent, be the same outside and inside. To keep faith is to keep ones word, not a false one. True in word and resolute, The word once spoken can never be withdrawn, which spread over thousands of years old, is to express the image of Chinese nation honest quality. During thousands of years of civilizati



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