中国古代改革与变法专题复习导航(Review and navigation of ancient Chinese reform and political reform).doc

中国古代改革与变法专题复习导航(Review and navigation of ancient Chinese reform and political reform).doc

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中国古代改革与变法专题复习导航(Review and navigation of ancient Chinese reform and political reform)

中国古代改革与变法专题复习导航(Review and navigation of ancient Chinese reform and political reform) Review and navigation of ancient Chinese reform and political reform Reform and opening to the outside world are the main themes of todays development. In the ancient history of China, reform and political reform also ran through the whole process of historical development. Careful study of the successful experiences and failures of reform and political reform in ancient history is of great significance to Chinas reform and opening up and socialist modernization drive. I. summary of the knowledge system The present teaching materials of ancient Chinese history have described more than 10 reforms. According to the nature and causes of the reform is different, can be divided into the following four types: the reform of the slave society fuguoqiangbing; new social transformation reform; reform the feudal society interior modulation rule policy; the reform of national minority feudalization. (a) the slave society fuguoqiangbing reform The reform of Guan Zhong in 685 BC, the Duke appointed Guan Zhong, reform. In politics and military, we should push the system of dividing the country and the wild into administration and army unification. In the economic aspect, the implementation of mine area is evenly divided and phase to decline, according to the number of land and the quality of farmland levy taxes. Guan Zhong soon became the reform of the Qi State in the spring and Autumn period of Eastern powers, laid a solid foundation for jihuangong hegemony. (two) the reform of the old and new social transition, 1. Lu levy by acre in the spring and Autumn period, along with the progress of productive forces and the feudal mode of production, the system tends to collapse. In 594 BC, the implementation of first tax mu, provisions of the public fields to levy tax on the basis of the national program. Although the purpose is to increase state revenue, but by changing the tax system publicly confirme



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