中国移动公司应聘笔试题目(China Mobile applied for the test paper).doc

中国移动公司应聘笔试题目(China Mobile applied for the test paper).doc

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中国移动公司应聘笔试题目(China Mobile applied for the test paper)

中国移动公司应聘笔试题目(China Mobile applied for the test paper) The China Mobile company for examination A: fill in the blanks 1: China Mobile three brands -- -- -- which is,,, the slogan was - - -? The future is in our hands -- Global I listen to my site, M-Zone I have relaxed, easyown 2: Chinese six operators were China Mobile, -, -, -, -, -, - China Telecom, Chinese Netcom, China Mobile, China Unicom, China China Satcom, China CTT 3: the sun sets behind the mountain, The Yellow River seawards flows., -, -, - the poem as a famous poet. The sun beyond the mountains glows; the Yellow Riverseawards flows。 You can enjoy a grander sight by climbing to a greater height。 Wang Zhihuan Gordon guanque tower 4: the following 4 answers given by digital add, subtract, multiply and divide: 24. (a) 5, 6, 7, 8 (two); 3, 3, 8, 8 Answer: two 1: sell combs to monks in ten ways, please justify Sell combs story A unit recruitment clerk, because the companys treatment is very good, so a lot of people interview. The manager to test you out of a title: let them one day to sell combs to monks, sell. Many people say that this is not possible, monks have no hair, how can sell them? So many people give up this opportunity. But there are three people willing to try. The third day, they came back. The first one sold 1 combs, he said to the manager: I see a little monk, a lot of head lice, very urticant, catch by hand in there. I told him that scratching his head with a comb to catch, so I sold a. Second people sold 10 combs. He said to the manager: I found the temple presided over, he said that if the Buddha of human hair by mountain wind ruffled, said a lack of respect for the Buddha, is a sin, if put the comb in each Buddha, visitors to the finished comb head is better then pray! So I sold 10 combs. Third people sold 3000 combs! He said to the manager: I went to the biggest temple, the abbot told directly, do you want to increase income? The abbot said to. I will tell him that the slogan in the temple



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