中英文 中欧应扩大合作 共同反对贸易保护主义(China, Europe and China should expand cooperation and jointly oppose trade protectionism).doc

中英文 中欧应扩大合作 共同反对贸易保护主义(China, Europe and China should expand cooperation and jointly oppose trade protectionism).doc

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中英文 中欧应扩大合作 共同反对贸易保护主义(China, Europe and China should expand cooperation and jointly oppose trade protectionism)

中英文 中欧应扩大合作 共同反对贸易保护主义(China, Europe and China should expand cooperation and jointly oppose trade protectionism) Interpretation: we should expand cooperation and jointly oppose trade protectionism (by Wang Qishan) The most urgent task facing the world today is to restore global economic growth as soon as possible. However, the concern is the surge of trade protectionism, the prospects of the already fragile world economy even worse. The most pressing task facing all countries in the world today is to restore global economic growth as soon as possible. Yet it is worrisome to note that the surge of trade protectionism has made the prospects of the already fragile world economy even worse. Chinese and the EU, as the worlds two major economies and stakeholders, should be in the second China-E.U. high-level economic dialogue with a responsible attitude, clearly demonstrate their common commitment against trade protectionism. China and the European Union, two major economies and stakeholders in the world, should take a responsible attitude and demonstrate their common, clear commitment against trade protectionism at the second China-E.U. high-level economic dialogue. Trade liberalization is the engine of economic growth. It has become a powerful driving force of economic globalization, and benefited people all over the world. On the contrary, the trade protectionism in the pursuit of a countrys interests at the expense of the interests of his country, will lead to retaliation. No one can benefit from the final. Trade liberalization is the engine of economic growth. It has served as a strong propeller of economic globalization and benefited people around the world. On the contrary trade protectionism the pursuit of benefits featuring for one country at the expense of others will only lead to retaliation. It serves the interest of no one. In 1930s the great depression, the prevalence of trade protectionism for the world economy to pay a heavy price. It leads to the contract



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