中草药治疗甲鱼疾病的配方(Prescription of Chinese herbal medicine for treating soft shelled turtle disease).doc

中草药治疗甲鱼疾病的配方(Prescription of Chinese herbal medicine for treating soft shelled turtle disease).doc

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中草药治疗甲鱼疾病的配方(Prescription of Chinese herbal medicine for treating soft shelled turtle disease)

中草药治疗甲鱼疾病的配方(Prescription of Chinese herbal medicine for treating soft shelled turtle disease) Chinese herbal medicine is a magnificent treasure of the Chinese nation, it has not only become the world for human medical incredible magic pill, control is also widely used in a variety of animal diseases. Chinese herbal medicine used in the prevention and treatment of turtle disease can be divided into four categories: antiviral, anti bacterial, anti fungal and insecticidal (parasite). Practice has proved that the effect of Chinese herbal medicine on turtle disease is generally better than western medicine. It has many advantages, such as rich source, convenient material, low cost, no residue, low toxicity, low resistance, and so on. It has been accepted by more and more farmers. After many years of practice, I recommend the following experience to the readers for reference. Recipe 1: rhubarb (25%), Phellodendron (25%) and scutellaria (50%). [scope of application] branchial prostatitis, red neck disease, red floor disease, white floor disease, etc.. [Methods] 1: first per cubic meter of water for 20 to 30 grams of medication metering drugs, then drugs 20 times water boil for 20 minutes, pour out the liquid, then the law of complex slag (boiled) 1 times, two times the liquid splash into the entire pond evenly. Before the first row of water drug reduced to a depth of 30 cm, after 3 days gradually into clean water to the original level, the disease of soft shelled turtle long time in the bath of high concentration liquid (similar to the external method following prescription). The oral: three kinds of drug research for powder per kg feed mix powder 5 ~ 8 grams do bait feeding. Feed 1 times every half month, and even feed 2 days as a prevention; treatment, feeding 1 times a day, 3 days for 1 courses, usually take 2 courses, that is, the more healing. Two: isatis root, Cyrtomium rhizome, Oldenlandia, wild chrysanthemum, drug mixture. [scope of application] parotitis, red nec



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