余世维-执行力大纲(Yu Shiwei - executive outline).doc

余世维-执行力大纲(Yu Shiwei - executive outline).doc

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余世维-执行力大纲(Yu Shiwei - executive outline)

余世维-执行力大纲(Yu Shiwei - executive outline) This article is contributed by catherine_0929 DOC documents may experience poor browsing on the WAP side. It is recommended that you first select TXT, or download the source file to the local view. Yu Shiwei - executive training notes (Yu Shiwei - executive training notes - executive training notes) Execution standard: according to the quality of the completion of their tasks on the execution of 1 business leaders, Liu Chuanzhi: executive power is the appointment would perform 2, Jack. Welch: execution is to eliminate impede the implementation of the bureaucratic culture 3, Michael. DELL: execution is in each link to perfect, implement in the execution of 1 symptoms, encounter deviation is not sensitivity, I do not feel very important, 2 do not pay attention to details, not the pursuit of the perfect 3, not in their own range of dealing with their own problems, 4 not to adhere to the standards set by the company to perform no excuse, five forms of the execution of excuse 1, no excuses. When making their decision wouldnt have asked for my opinion, so this should not be my responsibility. The 2, this week I am very busy, I do as soon as possible. 3, weve never done that before, or, its not the way we do things here. 4, I have never been properly trained to do the work. 5, we never want to catch up with competitors, in many ways, people are larger than we are. The implementation of no excuse, perform no excuses, excuses and reasons and the difference between Bridge and Maqilan do a contains 10 levels of logical chain, the proof of this relationship: If enterprises or individuals only pay attention to short-term behavior, will lead to a passive reaction; the passive response, not willing to take responsibility; we do not want to take responsibility, it is impossible to have the spirit of adventure; we do not want to take risks, fear of failure; the fear of failure, to seek self-protection; we seek to protect themselves


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