眼疾食疗之养肝明目篇2(Eye dietotherapy Liver eyesight 2).doc

眼疾食疗之养肝明目篇2(Eye dietotherapy Liver eyesight 2).doc

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眼疾食疗之养肝明目篇2(Eye dietotherapy Liver eyesight 2)

眼疾食疗之养肝明目篇2(Eye dietotherapy Liver eyesight 2) Pork liver soup ingredients Raw materials: pork 100 grams, egg 2, salt, onion fermented black bean MSG production: liver washed, cut into pieces. The amount of water in the pot, simmer until cooked liver, adding fermented black bean, onion, and then into the egg, add salt, monosodium glutamate seasoning. Explanation: eggs and liver are foods rich in protein. The liver contains more vitamin A, can receive nutrition eye, Liver eyesight effect, suitable for children and adolescent myopia (both in hyperopia therapy). The liver, bovine liver, chicken liver can be used instead of. Chicken soup ingredients Raw materials: 50 grams of salt, MSG, chicken ginger appropriate production: liver washed chopped, sliced into the boiling water boil for a short moment, then liver color without blood, taking advantage of adding raw ginger, salt, monosodium glutamate, mix thoroughly. That the highest content of vitamin A in chicken liver, this can be applicable to a variety of Liver eyesight, myopia. Pork liver soup with medlar leaves Ingredients: 100 grams of medlar leaves, 200 grams of pig liver, seasoning amount. Usage: wash the medlar leaves. Pork liver slices, into the boiling soup, add wine, green onion, ginger and other spices, simmer for 30 minutes, until the pork liver cooked add abluent medlar leaf, cook for 10 minutes or so into. This dish can be eaten everyday meals. Efficacy: nourishing kidney, nourishing liver and improving eyesight. Kidney stew Eucommia Raw material: every 25 grams of eucommia, pig kidney 1, amount of water, water stew 1 hours, daily or every 2 ~ 3 and the good food for 1 times. It has the effect of nourishing the liver and kidney and strengthening the bones and muscles. Apply to stay up late, backache, limbs fatigue. Boiled lean pork with Prunella vulgaris Raw materials: 10 grams per day, 50~100 grams of pork lean, the amount of water in a pot, cooked meat, add salt, a little seasoning, eat meat, drink juice



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