java如何配置环境变量(Java how to configure environment variables).doc

java如何配置环境变量(Java how to configure environment variables).doc

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java如何配置环境变量(Java how to configure environment variables)

java如何配置环境变量(Java how to configure environment variables) Java how to configure environment variables The environment variables used by JAVA under Windows are mainly 3, JAVA_HOME, CLASSPATH, PATH. Here are one by one analysis. JAVA_HOME points to the installation path for JDK, such as x:\JDK_1.4.2, and under this path you should be able to find directories such as bin, lib, and so on. It is worth mentioning that the JDK installation path can choose any disk directory, but I suggest you put the directory hierarchy shallow point, if you put in the directory is very deep, such as x:\XXXXXX\xxxxx\XXXX\xxxx\XXXX\xxxx\XXXX\xxx...... Well, the following steps and future applications will involve you, huh?. Setting method: JAVA_HOME=x:\JDK_1.4.2 The PATH environment variable is in the original Windows, and you simply modify it so that he points to the JDK directory of bin so that you do not need to type a larger path when you compile and execute the program under the console. The setting method is to retain the original content of PATH and%JAVA_HOME%\bin in the plus (note, if you do not know, for DOS batch you might not understand% quoted what is the meaning of the content; but in fact there is a good reference step set the environment variable JAVA_HOME, you can also write to x:\JDK_1.4.2; you you can open a console window, enter the echo%JAVA_HOME% to see your results set): PATH=%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%PATH% Similarly,%PATH% refers to the PATH environment variable you previously set, and you copy the previous values. CLASSPATH environment variables I put in the back, because you appear after the inexplicable strange problems, more than 80% may be due to the wrong CLASSPATH settings caused, so be doubly careful. CLASSPATH=.;%JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar The first thing to note is the front. ; if you cant see, I give you one -- a semicolon. This is told the JDK search CLASS first search the current directory of the CLASS file: why do this, this is due to the security mechanism of LINU



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