中小超市竞争行为剖析(Analysis of competition behavior in small and medium supermarkets).doc

中小超市竞争行为剖析(Analysis of competition behavior in small and medium supermarkets).doc

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中小超市竞争行为剖析(Analysis of competition behavior in small and medium supermarkets)

中小超市竞争行为剖析(Analysis of competition behavior in small and medium supermarkets) Market demand is a multi-level, full range, an enterprise may not fully meet, can only be based on their own resources (human, financial and material), find the best combination with the market demand, develop marketing strategies, and to the maximum extent to meet the market demand. The law and the fierce competition in the market economy, we must stand in the angle of the market, to the demand, design of our products, mechanism, management, service, market strategy, otherwise it would have been immediate retaliation. Small and medium-sized supermarket market competition, a resource war to a certain extent is the enterprise, any blind copy, from reality, will lead to fish in troubled water of small and medium-sized supermarket enterprises caused huge losses. Now the market competition, the performance of small and medium-sized supermarkets vary, competition results are not the same. To sum up, there are roughly the following four kinds. A mixture of blind competition 1. Description Analysis This competition is the short description of the East West a hammer wooden club, today the price, buy gifts tomorrow, the day after tomorrow and the Out of the Blue have changed the layout of the interior of the store. This kind of competition behavior occurs in the following two kinds of supermarkets: (1) some just started, is in the small supermarket upstart trial stage, their managers and planners all have a lot of marketing and promotion of the idea, but because everything is just beginning, not as old as in previous years, sales of supermarkets, sales trends and other historical data in planning before the implementation of. So, is constantly changing and unpredictable. (2) some small and medium-sized supermarkets with imperfect internal management, vague functions and dislocation functions of various departments can intervene and implement the promotion plan independently. So, the purchasing dep



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