德川秀忠(Tokugawa Xiutada).doc

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德川秀忠(Tokugawa Xiutada)

德川秀忠(Tokugawa Xiutada) Tokugawa Xiutada, the late Warring States generals, Tokugawa Shogunate second shogun. It was seven years (1579) on seven April at the far riverside city. Tokugawa Ieyasunomio, mother for the Taiwan hospital, Xixiangs (love side), young name long pine, long pill. Xiu Zhong five months after birth, Tokchon home of the future family affairs, his eldest son Zhushandian within its parent letter Kang Takeda Katsuyori suspected, the last two people have been forced to make Dutch act. After the death of the eldest son, who succeeded by Ieyasu inconclusive as heir has not been, as the three man show loyalty basically is not what was the first candidate, but never launched show loyalty and time brother Xiukang (in yoshimaru) infighting. Xiu Zhong was born, Tokchons has been reversed with Takedas confrontation with the situation, it is three years (1575) in the battle of nagashino, Takeda Katsuyori defeated; plus seven years (with nine years, 1581) second times. The war of the city, the Takeda clan also completely recession, Leyasu Tokugawa has been in the three, to establish a foot far. It was ten years (1582) June, his patron Oda Nobunaga buried in the temple instinct, Gyeonggi Ieyasu fled back to the rapid Sanhe stood poised at the time, but Hashiba Xiuyoshi has quickly in the battle to defeat Yamazaki mitsuhide wise, and in it eleven years (1583) in the battle of shizugatake defeated the old forces of Shibata Katsuya. At this time, Hideyoshi has become the worlds largest, but the conditions, recent obstacles or Ieyasu of Hideyoshi, day twelve years (1584), Hideyoshi attacked Oda Nobuo and his coalition, Komaki nagakute. The outbreak of the war, the last Ieyasu coalition victory, forcing the debate and Hideyoshi and Ieyasu, male in the meaning of time Wan filiate, renamed Hashiba Xiuko. Xiukang become hashiba home son, Xiu Zhong Tokchon home is the succession of people become very obvious, but only after changing to Kang Xiu Zhong heir, renamed takech



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