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包 装 工 程 第 38 卷 第 5 期 ·136 · PACKAGING ENGINEERING 2017 年 3 月 考虑铰链间隙和连杆柔性推料机构运动学分析 席晓燕 (唐山学院,唐山 063000 ) 摘要: 目的 基于 ADAMS 软件,对包装机推料机构进行虚拟样机建模。方法 对机构进行仿真,在此基 础上建立铰链间隙模型、柔性体模型和铰链间隙柔性体都存在的模型。通过与理想模型运动曲线进行对 比,分析各个铰链间隙和连杆柔性对运动学规律的影响。结果 运动副间隙(0.25 cm )对推料板的速度、 加速度影响明显,会产生振荡现象;同时考虑运动副间隙(0.25 cm )和构件柔性,得到的速度、加速 度曲线趋于平稳,缓解了铰链间隙产生的冲击。结论 适当考虑连杆柔性,可以缓解铰链间隙产生的振 荡,使推料板运动趋于稳定。 关键词: 包装机;推料机构;ADAMS ;柔性体;铰链间隙 中图分类号:TB486 ;TS261.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号: 1001-3563(2017)05-0136-05 Kinematics of Pusher Considering Hinge Gap and Linkage Flexibility XI Xiao-yan (Tangshan College, Tangshan 063000, China) ABSTRACT: The work aims to build a virtual prototype model of pusher for packaging machine based on ADAMS. The simulation of pusher was carried out, based on which the hinge gap model, the flexible body model and the hinge gap flexible body model were established. Through the comparison with the motion curves of ideal model, the influences of each hinge gap and linkage flexibility on the kinematics law were analyzed. The effect of kinematic pair clearance (0.25 cm) on speed and acceleration of pushing plate was obvious, which caused oscillation; meanwhile, kinematic pair clear- ance (0.25 cm) and component flexibility were considered. The speed and acceleration curves obtained tended to be sta- ble, which eased the hinge gap impact. Appropriate considerations taken for linkage flexibility can ease the oscillation generated by hinge gap, so as to enable the pushing plate to move stably. KEY WORDS: packaging machine; pusher; ADAMS; flexible body;


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