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中国软科学 2009年第 12期 对城乡一体化发展模式的思考 ) ) ) 王卫星 ( 国务院农村综合改革工作小组办公室, 北京 100820) : 近年来, 苏州市按照/ 把空 让给城市把利益留给农民0的理念, 以/ 三置换三集中三大合作0 为抓 手, 进行了城乡一体化发展改革试验本文通过实地调研的方法, 通过充分走访和调查各级政府管理部门和各 阶层, 总结和梳理了苏州城乡一体化发展的几点经验与启示, 并进一步分析和探讨了苏州市城乡一体化发展所 面临的一系列现实困难和问题, 在此基础上提出了八点政策建议 : 城乡一体化; 发展模式; 三农; 产权置换 : F301. 2 : A : 1002- 9753( 2009) 12- 0024- 08 Considerations on the Developm entPattern of Urban- rural Integration ) ) ) Investigation on U rban- r ral Integration Development in S zho WANGW ei- xing Abstract: Based on the concept of / giving the city space, mak ing the farm ers benefit0, S zho has m ade efforts to r- ban- r ral in tegration development and reform foc sed on / three replacem ents, three integrations and three collabora- tions0 . This paper app lies field investigation m ethod and s mm aries the experiences of the rban- r ral integration de- velopm ent and reform of S zho after interview ing and investigating government agencies of all levels and all stakeholde- rs. The paper also analyses and exp lores the diffic lties and challenges for S zho to f rther its rban- r ral integration developm en t and proposes eight policy recomm endations to address these iss es. Key w ords: rban- r ral integration; developm ent pattern; three r ral iss es; eq ity sw ap 57, 61, 32 , 1149, 803 , / , 02008 9 , : , ; , , ; , , ; : 2009- 11- 01 : 2009- 12- 18 : ( 1957 - ), , , 24


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