M8U3words 讲解上课.ppt

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M8U3words 讲解上课

* Module 8 unit 3 Vocabulary 1.still lifes 静物画 keep still; stand/sit still 2.abstract concept/idea/thinking/noun *abstract art 抽象派;抽象主义 concrete 具体的,有形的 3.Spain – Spanish 4.architecture architectural 建筑学的 *architect 建筑师 5.output– input 6.medium media (复数) *medium size 中号;a man of medium height 7acute acutely adj. 尖锐地剧烈地 *n. acuteness 剧烈;敏锐;锐利 acute angle 锐角 *cause acute pain *have an acute sense of hearing 8.rectangle长方形 square 正方形 triangle三角形 circle圆形 9.consensus 复数consensuses *reach a consensus on sth. 达成共识 *by popular consensus 举世公认 10. calculate vt. 计算,推算,估算 We’d better calculate the cost of the trip to Beijing. The painting is so valuable that it is difficult to calculate what its price would be if the museum wanted to sell it. 拓展: calculation n. 计算,估计,预测,推测 calculator n. 计算器 be calculated to do sth. 打算或计划做某事 be calculated for 适合于… calculate on/upon sth. /doing sth. 指望或依靠某事物 *I calculated that he would arrive at midnight. *This school is calculated for the disabled children. *We cannot calculate upon having fine weather for the sports meeting. 11.shadow *cast a shadow on/over…. 投射阴影 12.commit-committed-committed-committing *committed: adj. 坚定的/效忠的/承担义务的 *commitment: n.承诺;承担义务;献身 犯谋杀罪/罪/错/自杀 *commit murder/crimes/mistakes/suicide *commit oneself to doing sth.致力于.. *commit sb/oneself to sth/doing…承诺.. *make a commitment to doing sth.承诺… *take on many commitments承担义务 *


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