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一、情景导入 ◆内容提要 We will learn in this unit how to make telephone calls. The first dialogue is a phone call between a receptionist and a guest. The second is a dialogue between a patient and a doctor. Both dialogues are related with making appointments. The passage is an introduction to the points which should be paid attention in making telephone calls in English speaking countries. 本单元我们将学习如何打电话。第一篇对话是一个客人和接待员之间的对话,第二个是医生和病人之间的,两篇都是与安排约定相关的。短文是对电话中需要注意的问题的介绍。 二、词语与表达 ◆单词与短语 1. Appointment n. 约会 eg. I made an appointment to see the doctor. 我约定好时间去看医生。 引申: appoint vt. 指定 eg. He was appointed as chairman of the association. 他被指定为协会主席。 Make an appointment..约定 | 约会 三、美文赏析 HEWLETT-Packard will not meet its November 1 target of appointing a second printer consumables distributor. The vendor went to market mid-September looking for a rival to Tech Pacific, saying more competition would help stamp out sub-distribution in the channel and broaden its products’ markets. But HP print solutions manager Jennifer Rutherford says there have been delays in “getting all the presentations [from short-listed companies] sorted”. HP now hopes to make its selection by November 10. Although she would not say how many parties responded to the tender, she says the number of bids was encouraging. “I was surprised at the level of interest. It is a complex piece of business.” * * 一、情景导入 二、词语与表达 三、美文赏析 UNIT 6 Providing Information ◆文化背景知识 1. Being late for an appointment is considered a serious insult in Chinese business culture. The best times for scheduling appointments are April to June and September to October. Business and government hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday. There is, however, a five-day work week in larger cities. Do avoid plans to visit government offices on Friday afternoon, because this is sometimes reserved for political studying of the officials. Store hours are 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., daily. Most sto


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