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※※※※※※※※※※ 本电子书由塞班智能手机论坛·船说整理制作,仅供试阅。请支持正 版。 ※※※※※※※※※※   [爱情与金钱 / 罗维纳·阿金耶米 著]   Love or Money by Romena Akinyemi ■ 简介   你是一名不错的侦探,是吗?如果是的话,那你得比沃尔什探长先 找出凶手。沃尔什探长是名警探,他工作虽说慢了点,可十分细心。你 是位“快手”吗?侦探是干什么的呢?侦探就是寻找线索的人。而线索就 是告诉你谁是凶手的重要但又细小的事物。发现线索不容易,但本故事 中有许多线索。有些线索有用——它们能帮助你,可有些线索却不利 ——它们妨碍你找到凶手。你得仔细点读,否则你会错过线索。   但请记住:你不必相信人们说的每件事。凶手显然会撒谎,可能其 他人因不同的理由也会撒谎。也许他们希望某人死去。但是谁希望呢? 谁杀的?你能找出凶手吗?   罗伊纳·阿金耶米是英国人,但在非洲度过了许多年。 《爱情与金 钱》是她为英语学生写的第一部故事。 ■ 1 Chapter   The Clarkson family lived in the country near Cambridge,about half a mile from the nearest village and about a mile from the river .They had a big,old house with a beautiful garden ,a lot of flowers and many old . trees .   One Thursday morning in July ,Jackie came in from the garden .She was a tall ,fat woman ,thirty years old .It was the hottest day of the year , 1 but she wore a warm brown skirt and yellow shirt .She went into the kitchen to get a drink of water .Just then the phone rang .   ‘Cambridge 1379 ,‘Jackie said .   ‘Hello .This is Diane .I want to talk to Mother .’   ‘Mother isn’t here,‘Jackie said .‘She’s at the doctor’s .’   ‘Why ?What’s Wrong ?’   ‘Nothing’s wrong,‘Jackie said .‘Why are you telephoning ? You are going to come this weekend ? Mother wants everyone to be here .’   ‘Yes,I want to come,‘Diane said .‘I’m phoning because I have no money for the train ticket .’   ‘No money !Mother is always giving you money !’   ‘This phone call is very expensive,‘Diane said coldly .‘Tell Mother please .I need the money .’   Jackie put the phone down .She took a cigarette from her bag and began to smoke .She felt angry because her sister al-ways asked for money .Diane was twenty years old , the youngest in the family .She lived in London ,in one room of a big house .She wanted to be a singer . She sang very well but sh


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