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中国科技论文在线 1000-0569/ 2000/016( 03)-0327-36 A cta P etr olog ica S inica  岩石学报 1 1 2 2 2 2 张招崇 李兆鼐  李树才  辛影  李兆木  王先政 1. , 100037; 2. , 150036. 1. I nstitute of G eology , Chinese A cademy of Geolog ical Sciences, B eij ing 100037, China; 2. I nstitute of G eolog ical S ciences , H eilongj iang B ureau of Geology and M iner al Resources , H arbin 150036, China. 1999-05-31 收稿, 2000-05-31 改回. Zhang Zhaochong, Li Zhaonai, Li Shucai, Xin Yin, Li Zhaomu and Wang Xianzheng. 2000. Geochemistry of the Jingpohu Holocene basaltic rocks, Heilongjiang province, and discussion on their deep processes. Acta Petrologica Sinica , 16( 3): 327336 Abstract Holocene basaltic rocks of the Jingpohu area are located in the Crater Forestand Fro gPoolareas at the northwest Jingpohu Lake. Although there is only 15km between two areas, there is a difference in petrology between them: , , alkaline olivine basalt without any magacrsts in the Crater Forest and leucite tephrite with kaersutite phlogopite and anorthoclasite megacrysts in the Fro gPool. The studies on their geochemical characteristics show that leucite tephrite has higher contents of Al O , Na O, K O, more enrichment in LREE and LILE, and lower contents of MgO, CaO, lower M # 2 3 2 2 values and Na/ K ratioes than alkaline olivine basalt, although both of them belon gto sodic alkaline basalt. In contrast, their xenoliths have inverse geochemical characteristics. Disproof calculation shows that the great difference in petrology and geo- chemistry was not resulted from the various degrees of partial meltin gof the same source. Based on their Sr, Nd and Pb iso- topic data, this paper proposes that the activity of the mant


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