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毕业设计(论文) 题目名称:逸阳别墅预算设计 学院名称:建筑工程学院 班 级:g专建工102 学 号:201006313202 学生姓名:张阳阳 指导教师:谢顺利 2013年5月 论文编号:201006313202 逸阳别墅预算设计 The Budget Design for the Yi Yang Villa 学院名称:建筑工程学院 班 级:g专建工102 学 号:201006313202 学生姓名:张阳阳 指导教师:谢顺利 2012年5月 中文摘要 本次毕业设计是根据逸阳别墅施工图纸以及工程的概况、相关的技术规范、合同条件及其有关的文件编制的预算书。 该设计用清单计价方法对工程的造价进行编制。工程方面主要是土建方面,不包括装饰和安装部分。编制的主要内容:清单计价工程量,措施项目清单与计价,单位工程招标控制价,分部分项工程清单与计价,工程量清单综合单价分析表,规费税金项目清单与计价表,主要材料标价表等。工程量计算是按照《2008年工程量清单计价规范》的计算规则计算的,综合单价主要是用广联达计价软件套价。工程量和工程造价的计算,使本次工程造价的控制和工程资金的筹备有了一定的依据,使本工程在保证质量的前提下,顺利如期的的进行并且按计划投入使用。 关键词: 清单;工程量;造价;综合单价 Abstract The graduation project is based on the Yi Yang villa construction drawings, engineering situation, the technical specifications, the terms of the contract and documents relating to the preparation of the budget book. Project cost is mainly counted on detail list. The project is mainly civil engineering excluding the adornment and installment. The detail list is composed of list of measures and valuation, unit engineering bidding price control, partial list of engineering division with valuation, The list of quantities comprehensive unit price analysis form, tax items list and valuation fee table, main material price list, etc. Based on The Project Measures Standard of Detailed List Valuation in 2008 the quantity calculation is calculated and the Comprehensive unit price is mainly according to the results of the denominated Glodon software. The calculation of the bill and project cost provide the basis of the controlling of the construction cost and the project financing, which guarantees that the project come into use on schedule with the high quality . Key Words: detailed list, work amount, cost of building, comprehensive unit price 目录 1 施工组织设计 1 1.1 编制说明及编制依据 1 1.1.1 编制说明 1 1.1.2 编制依据 1 1.2 工程


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