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29 1 机器人 ROBO T Vo.l 29, No. 1 2007 1 Jan. , 2007 : 1002-0446( 2007) 01-0035-06 * 辛菁, 刘丁, 杨延西, 徐庆坤 ( , 710048) : , . K alm an , ; , , ., . : Kalm an ; ; ; : TP24 : B A New RobotUncalibratedVisualServoing ControlM ethod withDouble-loop Structure Based onAutoDisturbanceRejection X IN Jing, IU D ing, YANG Yan-x,i XU Qing-kun (S chool of A utomation Inf ormation Eng ineering, X ian Un iversity of T echnology, X ian 710048, China) Abstract: Based on the research on robot uncalibrated visual servoing controlm ethod using princip le of auto d isturbance rejection controller, a new robot uncalib rated visual servoing controlm ethod w ith double-loop structu re based on auto d is- turbance rejection is presented. Online identification of the im age Jacob ian m atrix using Kalman filter is perform ed in the in- ner loop for approxim ating the actualvisualm app ing m ode.l The auto disturbance rejection controller is adopted in the outer loop, and a nonlinear extended state observer is used to estim ate and compensate dynam ically the systems d isturbance for the estim atedm ode.l Track ing experim entsw ith 2D m oving objects are carried out in a 6DOF industrial robot. Experim ental resu lts show the feasib ility and valid ity of th ism ethod. eywords: Kalm an filter; auto disturbance rejection controller; uncalib ration; visual servoing 1 ( Introduction) ; [ 6] , , , , [ 1]



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