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第 39 卷第 3 期 2017 年 5 月 Vol.39 No.3 Journal of Tangshan Normal University May 2017 三国选官制度比较初探及其对西晋统一的影响 刘小平 (天津师范大学历史文化学院,天津 300387 ) 摘 要: 比较魏、蜀、吴三国的选官制度,可以看出,曹魏一方面对旧有的察举制度进行改革,另一方面 又创立九品官人法以适应当时的客观形势,起到了维系政权的作用。与此不同,吴、蜀两国的选官仅仅是沿袭 了汉朝的制度,几无创新之处,导致了人才缺失和政治腐败,在后期魏蜀、魏吴、晋吴的对抗中渐处下风,对 西晋的统一产生了影响。 关键词:三国;选官制度;察举征辟;九品官人法;西晋统一 K236 A 1009-9115(2017)03-0089-06 中图分类号: 文献标识码: 文章编号: DOI :10.3969/j.issn.1009-9115.2017.03.022 A Study on the Official Selection System during Three Kingdoms and its Impact on the Unification of Western Jin Dynasty LIU Xiao-ping (Institute of History and Culture, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin 300387, China) Abstract: The similarities and differences of official selection system during Wei, Shu and Wu period. It is found that Wei reformed the old addressing system while founding system of recommending candidates for feudal officials of nine grades in order to adapt to the objective situation at that time. But Wu and Shu followed the system of the Han dynasty without any innovations which led to the lack of talented people and political corruption. This also made them in a disadvantageous position in the later confrontations of the countries. And it further influenced the unification of West Jin Dynasty. Key Words: Three Kingdoms; officials selecting system; old addressing system; system of recommending candidates for feudal officials of nine grades; unification of Western Jin Dynasty 中国古代是一个典型的“人治”社会,要想维护 一、吏部锉选和公府(含位从公)辟召;二、州刺史 好国家这个庞大的机器,需要更多地人才来进行维护 辟召和举秀才;三、郡太守辟召和察孝廉


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