中英文对照羽毛球规则 英语学习必备.doc

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中英文对照羽毛球规则 英语学习必备

1.羽毛球单打比赛规则 1.1 发球员的分数为0或双数时,双方运动员均应在各自的右发球区发球或接发球。 Send players score 0 or even, both players in their own right shall serve district serve or receiving 1.2 发球员的分数为单数时,双方运动员均应在各自的左发球区发球或接发球。 Send players score is singular, both sides players all should in their respective left neutral zone serve or receiving 1.3 如“再赛”,发球员应以该局的总得分,按规则1.1和1.2的规定站位。 If be the player should with it, send the total score, according to the provisions of the rules 1.1 and 1.2 stance 1.4 球发出后,由发球员和接发球员交替对击直至“违例”或“死球”。 Ball by hair after the issue of players and the receiver alternately until violations or dead struck 1.5.1 接发球员违例或因球触及接发球员场区内的地面而成死球,发球员就得一分。随后,发球员再从另一发球区发球。 The receiver violations or because the ball touches the ground receiver field area into dead, hair players have a points then, hair player again from another neutral zone to serve 1.5.2 发球员违例或因球触及发球员场区内的地面而成死球,发球员即失去发球权。随后,接发球员成了发球员,双方均不得分。 Send players because the ball touches the unauthorised or send players into the ground game zone, hair while players loses seving subsequently, the receiver became hair players, both sides does not score 2.羽毛球双打比赛规则Badminton doubles competition rules 2.1 一局比赛开始和每次获得发球权的一方,都应从右发球区发球。 Game, start and every time the party gain seving, should serve right neutral zone 2.2 只有接发球员才能接发球;如果他的同伴去接球或被球触及,发球方得一分。 Only the receiver to receiving; If his companions go one-on-three, or by the ball touches the serving side a points 2.3.1 自发球被回击后,由发球方的任何一人击球,然后由接发球方的任何一人击球,如此往返直至死球。 After the ball was hit back, spontaneously by serving side of any one person, then the receiver hit by any one shot back, so until the dead 2.3.2 自发球被回击后,运动员可以从网的各自一方任何位置击球。 Spontaneous ball was hit back after, athletes from nets respective party can hit any position 2.4.1 接发球方违例或因球触及接发球方场区内的地面而成死球,发球方得一分,原发球员继续发球。 The receiver violations or because the ball touches the ground the receiver field area, while the serving side into a points, primary players continue to serve 2.4.2 发球方违例或应球触及发球方场区内的地面而成死球,原发球员即失去发球权,双方均不得分。 T


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