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石河子大学毕业设计 题目: 院(系): 化学化工学院 专业: 化学工程与工艺 学号: 姓名: 指导教师: 完成日期:201年6月 摘要 我国是世界上PVC生产和消费发展最快的国家。我国PVC生产多采用电石作为原料,与发达国家采用的石油乙烯路线相比,存在工艺技术落后、消耗高、污染严重的问题。 本设计简要介绍了合成氯乙烯的工艺,着重介绍了乙炔法合成氯乙烯生产工艺流程。对乙炔法合成氯乙烯装置的动态模拟技术进行了研究。根据物料、能量及动量守恒方程等,对系统中的基本单元设备分别建立了机理模型;结合氯乙烯合成化学反应机理模型及对转化器结构的分析,建立了描述氯乙烯转化器特性的一维动态机理模型,并根据模型形式和特点采用了适当的数值计算方法。在模拟的基础上,对年产12万吨的聚氯乙烯进行了计算。 关键词: Abstract China is the world’s fastest—growing country in producing and consuming of PVC.Compared with oil ethylene as raw material in developed countries,the application of Calcium carbide in China, result in high consumption and pollution. The Processes of vinyl chloride synthesis have been introduced briefly,and the prodution process of acetylene is emphasized especially in this paper. The dynamic simulation technology of plants for vinyl chloride synthesis from acetylene process has been studied in this paper. According to the equilibrium of mass, energy and reaction mechanism and production data,the mechanism models of basic unit plants in VCM system have been founded. By analyzing the struture of the reactor,a dynamic mechanism model of vinyl chloride synthesis converter was founded. The model may desribe the characteristics of vinyl chloride converter. According to the form and characteristies of the model,a proper arithmetic is chosen. On the basis of simulation an annual output of 120000 tons of vinyl chloride was calculated. Keywords: acetylene; vinyl chloride; process simulation 目录1文献综述 6 1.1氯乙烯简介 6 1.1.1 氯乙烯的性质 6 1.1.2 氯乙烯的工业用途 6 1.2 氯乙烯生产工艺现状 6 1.2.1电石乙炔法 7 1.2.2乙烯氧氯法 7 1.2.3联合法 7 1.2.4 氯乙烯生产方法的比较 8 1.3 国内外氯乙烯生产现状 8 1.3.2 我国氯乙烯生产现状 8 1.3.3 国外氯乙烯生产现状 8 1.3.4 氯乙烯工业发展前景 9 1.4 化工流程模拟 9 1.4.1 化工流程模拟概述 9 1.4.2 化工流程模拟的应用 10 1.4.4 化工流程模拟发展方向 11 1.5 本设计方案简介 12 2 工艺路线的选择和介绍 13 2.1工艺方案的选择 13 2.1.1湿热乙炔法的选择 13 2.1.2湿法乙炔发生 13 2.2湿法乙炔生产原理及工艺流程 13 2.2.1乙炔发生 13 2.2.2乙炔气的压缩 15 2.2.3乙炔清净 16 2.2.4生产流程说明 17 2.2.5湿法乙炔生产工艺流程简图 20 3 工艺计算 20 3.1物料衡算 20 3.1.1 计算依据 20 3.1.2氯乙烯量的计算 21 3.2物料


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