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东北农业大学学士学位论文 学号:A1300065 密山灌区工程规划设计 学生姓名:指导教师:姜秋香 所在院系:水利与建筑学院 所学专业:农业水利工程 研究方向:灌溉与排水工程 东 北 农 业 大 学 中国·哈尔滨 201 年 5 月 Northeast Agricultural University Bachelor degree thesis Registration Number:A130 The planning and design of Changling irrigation project Name: tang bian yun Tutor:Jiang Qiu xiang Department: School of Water Conservancy and Architecture Speciality: Agricultural Hydraulic Engineering Subject: Irrigation and drainage engineering Northeast Agricultural University Harbin?China May,2013 摘要 本设计选取的题目是密山灌区规划设计。密山灌区(Ⅱ区)地处穆棱河中下游,用水紧张的局面比较突出。目前由于灌区渠系工程老化,田间工程不配套,管理水平滞后等原因,浪费水现象十分严重,灌溉水的利用率仅为0.5左右。现状情况下水田实灌面积1.544万hm2,用水量2.1亿m3,而现有工程及天然径流可利用水量仅为1.7亿m3,尚缺水0.4亿m3。在充分熟悉灌区基本资料的基础上,论证灌区开发和进行综合治理的可行性、必要性、合理性。 通过水文资料的分析审查,1993年的降雨量为十年平均降雨量的81.2%。与规范所要求的设计保证率80%最相符合,所以选择1993年为设计的典型年进行水量配合计算。根据水量平衡法计算的灌溉定额为m3/亩。 根据灌区的地形特点,充分利用土地、水利资源,进行灌区总体规划,布置了东海总干渠,裴德里总干渠两条干渠。合理布置撇洪、灌溉排水系统,布置水工建筑物、交通、防护林和居民点。推算渠道流量、设计水深、加大水深和最小水深,以确定渠道纵、横断面形式等。 通过对该灌区的规划设计,可以有效的解决作物生长期内灌溉用水紧张的问题。 关键词:农业水利工程,灌区规划设计,合理利用水资源,灌溉排水系统,水工建筑物。 Abstract This design choice of title is dwells irrigation area planning and design. Dwells in the irrigation area (Ⅱ area) is located in the MuLeng river middle and lower reaches, water prominent tense situation. There is aging because of irrigation canal system engineering, field engineering does not form a complete set, the management level lag, the phenomenon of wasting water is very serious, the utilization of irrigation water is only around 0.5. Status quo situation paddy field irrigation area of 15440 hm2, water consumption is 210 million m3, and natural runoff existing engineering can use of water is 170 million m3, only is still lack of 040 million m3. In fully familiar with the irrigation area, on the basis of basic information, demonstrates the feasibility of irrigation area development and comprehensive treatment, the necessity and rationality. Through the analysis of hydrological data review, 1993, rainfall i


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