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Unit 6 The making of a surgeon First reading: 5-10 minutes to examine the title and go over the text as fastest as you can and then do exercise II Comprehension of the Text. Key sentences 1. 在我任住院主任医师的那一年快要结束的时候,我不止一次地问过自己这个问题。 bother vt. trouble, (cause to) be worried 烦恼,担心 ---I knew I ought to clean the car but I just couldn’t be bothered. ---Don’t bother with the washing-up; leave it to me. n. trouble; something that gives trouble 烦恼;麻烦的事或人 ---We found the address without any bother. ---Sorry to be such a bother, but could you show me how the machine works? #bother, disturb, trouble annoy 这些动词均有“使人不安或烦恼”之意。 bother 指使人烦恼,引起的紧张不安或感到不耐烦。例如: Im sorry to bother you, but could you tell me the way to the station? 对不起打扰一下, 请问去车站怎么走? disturb 较正式用词,多用被动态。指扰乱,使人不能平静或妨碍别人工作、思维或正常秩序,是程度较深的烦恼。例如: Before closing the door to his office, he told his secretary that he was not to be disturbed. 在关上办公室门前,他告诉秘书不要打扰他。 trouble 指给人在行动上带来不便或在身心上造成痛苦。例如: She suffers memory lapses that trouble her children. 她患上记忆力衰退症, 这让她的孩子很忧虑。 annoy 强调因被迫忍受令人不快、讨厌的事而失去平静或耐心,多指一时的打扰或恼怒。例如: The sound of footsteps on the bare floor annoyed the downstairs neighbors. 楼上地板传来的脚步声吵得楼下住户心烦。 treat, cure heal 都有“ 治疗,诊治”的意思。 treat vt.指为某人诊断治疗,强调治疗过程,不强调治疗结果。 cure 指治愈,治好,使病人恢复健康。 heal 尤指伤口痊愈,治愈。 1. Which doctor is ________ her for her illness? 2. Doctor _______ him of his disease. 3. The wound is not _______ yet. 4. It is said that rest in bed may _______ a cold. cure 5. I will take three months for the broken bone to _______ up. inevitably (inevitable +ly) ad. certainly, surely 必然地 ---Its work flow is irregular; inevitably, the factory has low efficiency. ---Inevitably, the people at the meeting would come out with their own ideas. relax vt vi. (cause to) feel calmer, less tired or worried, or comfortable; calm down; hold less tight (使) 松弛,放松 ---Trained staff will look after your children, so that you can relax and enjoy


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