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怀柔影视产业对区域文化产业 发展推动作用研究 姓名: 专业: 学院: 摘要:目前中国娱乐事业发展迅速,一个大型影视基地对于周边区域来说就是一个经济商业圈。和周边的经济元素彼此支持发展。拍摄影片及拍摄基地带来更旺的人气,人口聚集又带动了当地经济的发展。如果影视拍摄基地能够建成并很好的运作,将鞥能够实现很好的多赢:利用影片制作吸引人气促进当地经济的发展,而当地经济的发展又为影片拍摄提供了更好的后勤保障。彼此依托,共同建立起持久健康发展的经济区域。 本文首先对影视文化创意产业的内涵和特点做出准确的定位,随后列举出世界上成功的影视文化产业发展案例,并对这些产业进行案例研究;然后针对怀柔影视为核心的对推动区域文化倡议产业发展为对象做深入研究;最后从世界诸多成功的影视文化案例找出怀若影视文化产业健康发展的借鉴之处。 关键词:怀柔影视、区域、文化产业、推动 Abstract: at present, Chinese entertainment industry has developed rapidly, a large base film for the surrounding area is an economic business circle. And the surrounding economic elements to one another and to support the development of. Filming and shooting base brings more popularity of population aggregation, and promote local economic development. If the film shooting base can be built and very good operation, will possibly can achieve good win-win : the use of film production to attract people to promote local economic development, and the development of local economy and for the video shoot provides better logistic support. Relying on each other, together to establish a lasting and healthy development of the regional economy. This paper first on the film culture creative industry connotation and characteristic to make accurate positioning, then lists the worlds successful television culture industry development case, and the industrial case studies; and then for film and television in Huairou as the core of regional cultural industry development as the object of initiative study; finally from the world in many successful television culture identify with if the movie and television culture industry the healthy development of the lessons. Key words: Huairou television, regional, cultural industry, promotion 1、影视文化创意产业的内涵、特点 1.1影视文化创意产业的内涵 伴随着中国经济的快速发展,文化产业正在迅速崛起。目前,中国文化产业已经形成影视业、音像业、文化娱乐业、演出业、艺术培训业、旅游业等行业门类,并成为人们日常生活中不可或缺的重要内容。其中,在全球新经济背景下,影视文化产业在国民经济总量中的份额越来越重,对地区经济的拉动作用越来越大。近几年来,各省市地区逐步认识到影视作品对旅游业的巨大拉动作用,并开始重视影视文化产业在地区经济发展中的重要地位。与此同时,影视旅游逐渐成为一种新的休闲方式。 2009年是中国文化产业发展历程中具有里程碑意义的一年,文化产业成为我国经济


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